- 담당교수 : 오대균교수
- 연구실 : 해양공학관 7108호

- Computer-Aided Ship Design and Digital Shipbuilding
- Sustainable Design and Environmental Impact Assessment
- Statistical Analysis and Reliability Engineering
- Materials Characterization and Structure Reliability
- Green Ship, Small craft and Special-Purpose Vessel
- Green Propulsion System and Evaluation
- Alternative fuel / dual-fueled ship design
- Global warming potential simulation
- Energy efficiency evaluation
- Sustainable materials and lightweight structures
- Sustainable marine composite structures
- Special materials high-performance vessel design
- Digital twin systems for Smart-yard
- 협업설계 및 모델링시스템 S/W 패키지
- 전산선박설계 S/W 패키지
- 중소선박설계 S/W 패키지
- 통계 및 신뢰성분석 S/W 패키지
- 하소테스트 및 물성분석 시험세트